We Love What We Do.

IMG_0049Reserve Your Spot!

Space and booking times are limited, reserve your trip today!

It’s about watching your son burst into smiles as he fights his first king salmon.

It’s about hanging around the outdoor fireplace, trading fishing stories long into the night.

It’s about watching the eagles roost just outside your window.

It’s about never ceasing to be amazed when you witness the magnificent fluke of a whale rise above the water. And yes, it’s about the fishing. But mostly, it’s about enjoying life and sharing memories with those who matter most to you.

Our History

Owner Kevin McNamee probably never dreamed that being on the ocean for the first time would change his life, but it did. He traveled far from his small midwestern town to take on the adventure of a charter deckhand job in Sitka. What started off as a way to pay for college turned into a way of life. Now, over 20 years later, Kevin continues to make his living on the water in Sitka by operating IslandView Resort & Charters, LLC.

They are proud to have a company that boasts such a high return booking rate.  Each season feels like a reunion of great friends coming up to experience world class fishing in a beautiful setting.

Our Crew

boat cruisingOur charter captains are on the water every day of the season and they work as a team, exchanging information and tips so that every boat shares success.  Together, these guys have logged numerous decades’ of experience fishing and guiding in Sitka, Alaska. So, when we say they know the local waters like the backs of their hands, we mean it. This is your Alaska fishing trip – for many, it’s a once in a lifetime experience – and whether it’s our organized and knowledgeable office manager who helps plan your trip dates, the hostesses who greet you at the airport, our cook who serves your meals and packs your lunches, the guide who gets you on the fish and also takes the time to show you the whales bubble feeding, our deckhands who keep your lines baited and catch clean, to the processor who ensures your take home fish is vacuum sealed, flash frozen and boxed to airline specifications….we all do our best to make it an experience you’ll be talking about for years to come.